How do I use Rules for AI with Cursor?

Cursor has emerged is a powerful tool for developers. One of its standout features is the ability to use custom rules to enhance AI interactions. But how exactly can you implement these rules? In this post, we'll explore two methods: Cursor settings and .cursorrules files. We'll also discuss the benefits of each approach and where to find the best rules for your projects.

Method 1: Using Cursor Settings


  1. Open Cursor and navigate to Settings.
  2. Look for the "Rules for AI" section.
  3. Enter your custom rules directly into the provided text area.
  4. Save your changes.


  • Quick and easy to implement
  • Ideal for global rules that apply to all projects
  • Changes take effect immediately
  • No need to create separate files

Method 2: Using .cursorrules Files


  1. Create a new file named .cursorrules in your project's root directory.
  2. Open the file in your text editor.
  3. Write your custom rules using the appropriate syntax.
  4. Save the file.


  • Project-specific rules
  • Version control friendly (can be committed to your repository)
  • Easier to share rules with team members
  • Allows for more complex and structured rule sets

Comparing the Two Methods

FeatureCursor Settings.cursorrules Files
Ease of UseVery simpleRequires file creation
Version ControlNot easily trackedEasily tracked and shared
FlexibilityLimited to text area sizeUnlimited file size
ApplicationImmediateOn project load

Which Method Should You Choose?

The choice between using Cursor settings and .cursorrules files depends on your specific needs:

  • Use Cursor settings for quick, global rules that you want to apply across all projects.
  • Use .cursorrules files for project-specific rules, especially when working in teams or when you need more complex rule structures.

For maximum flexibility, you can even use both methods simultaneously. Global rules can be set in Cursor settings, while project-specific rules can be defined in .cursorrules files.

Where to Find the Best Rules

While you can create your own custom rules, why reinvent the wheel? The best place to find a wide variety of pre-made, optimized rules is right here on CursorList. Our curated collection of rules covers various programming languages, frameworks, and coding styles. By leveraging the collective wisdom of the Cursor community, you can quickly enhance your AI-assisted coding experience.


Whether you choose to use Cursor settings or .cursorrules files, implementing custom rules for AI in Cursor can significantly boost your productivity and code quality. Experiment with both methods to find the approach that works best for your workflow. And don't forget to check out CursorList for an extensive selection of ready-to-use rules that can take your Cursor experience to the next level.

Remember, the key to mastering AI-assisted coding is continuous learning and adaptation. Start with simple rules and gradually expand your ruleset as you become more comfortable with the system. Happy coding!